Timeline of Case

  • December 5th, 1998 14-year-old Michael and his friend Josh wake up to find Rita Politte on fire
  • They run next door and tell his uncle and aunt. Emergency services arrive
  • Michael and Josh are questioned
  • Michael was given a voice stress analysis test and failed. Fire Marshall dog smells gasoline on his shoes
  • On December 7th 1998 Michael is arrested for his mother’s murder
  • He was offered a plea deal for 15 years and he declined it
  • He was allowed only to attend some of her funeral
  • While in Juvenile detention he attempted suicide
  • An alleged confession occurred shortly after the suicide attempt
  • He was tried as an adult in 2002 at age 18
  • In less than 5 hours he was found to be guilty and sentenced to life in prison
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