
CSDA are these voice stress tests. They’re completely unreliable– that’s why they’re not admissible in court. But what’s unfortunate is that law enforcement not only uses them, they rely on them.” – Trecia Bushnell
Source: https://heavy.com/entertainment/2016/08/michael-politte-case-missouri-mtv-unlocking-the-truth/

“I have always known Mike was innocent of the atrocities committed against our mom. I find it reprehensible that the investigation of her murder came to this conclusion without a single piece of solid evidence against Mike. The true perpetrator/s thinks they have gotten away with taking our mom from us, and they have for almost 18 years. Hopefully their days of being a free murderer on the streets are numbered. But in order to do that, we must get Mike cleared of these false charges. Only then will they re-open the investigation into her terribly brutal murder. Thanks to everyone who is fighting with us!!”-Melonie Politte
Source: https://www.change.org/p/josh-hawley-we-request-you-vacate-michael-politte-s-conviction-and-discharge-him-from-custody/c/486567092

“A proper, scientific analysis of the chemical test results done at the time prove there was no gasoline on Michael’s shoes. The tests only found solvents used in the shoe manufacturing process.” -Mark Emison               
Source: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/news/mark-emison-10-honored-pro-bono-work-michael-politte-case

” This 14 year old child was convicted on ASSUMPTION with NO DNA, NO Evidence, False Testimony, and NO proper investigation was done on this case.
Mike is Innocent of this crime and Rita’s murderer is still out walking our streets.”
-Chrystal Politte
Source: https://www.change.org/p/josh-hawley-we-request-you-vacate-michael-politte-s-conviction-and-discharge-him-from-custody/c/486526307

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